June 10, 2011

Team CrapBag Kicks Colitis Ass!

Just a quick post, dear readers, to say: CONGRATULATIONS to the entire CrapBag team. Our efforts to raise money for the annual Heel 'n' Wheel Crohn's and Colitis fundraiser have paid off. We hit our goal of $5000. That's right, mes amis, five.thousand.dollars!* All of this was made possible through the hard work of so many, but I wanted to do a special shout out to a few very special individuals who have been working diligently over the last few months. Thith: THANK YOU. Without your encouragement and team leadership, we never would have gotten to our goal. Also, your friends and clients with the deep-pockets helped considerably :) Keg (& MS): thank you so much for all of your work with our Team CrapBag t-shirts. They are going to be so great and they will go a long way in identifying all of our giant family as one big purple blob on Sunday. Wackiest Team award - here we come. Thanks also goes to my wonderful Aunt A - without whom we could not do any of this. She is always willing to pitch in and help out, especially in preparation for this weekend's festivities. I hope she knows that she is always appreciated and adored. And lastly, to the other fundraisers in Team CrapBag: my sistah's from other mistah's (and motha's) Sezzie, Tiffy and Annie -- you girls rock my face off. 15-20 years ago, I bet you never thought we'd be here. I sure as hell didn't. I thought I would have dumped the lot of you by now.** Apparently you stuck. So, thanks for that, among everything else. 

Thank you, of course, also goes to everyone who donated. Every dollar raised got us one step closer to our goal, and hopefully, one step closer to a cure. Thank you for your continued support. Also, think of the pay off if you're actually the person who wins the TV. Can you say win-win?

More to come, so watch this space. In the meantime, I just wanted to call attention to our team's fantastic fundraising efforts. (Again, that was a five and three zeros).  Every dollar and cent raised goes directly toward funding research and programming through the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada. Thank you, thank you, thank you on behalf of the hundreds of thousands suffering from these shitty (ha ha) diseases. 

*Said in the same tone as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman: "threeeeee thoussssand dollars." *stomps foot on the floor of the bathtub for emphasis.* 
** Just kidding! Please don't leave me...but, even if you try, I'll find you. That's a promise. 

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